Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Little Red Barn

We have been wanting to build a cute little coop like this one for a while now, and we had our opportunity this last week. With the extra long weekend we were able to spend some extra time together and recycle some materials into this peaked roof design. This coop has a set of rear access doors for easy cleaning of the two nests and common area as well as egg collection. It also has a front door to the coop that provides security for your little ladies. The coop measures just over 3' x 4' x 5' tall.
It was quickly snatched up by a lady in Fort Collins who fell in love at first sight.

Barn-wood Tractor

I L-O-V-E using old barn-wood in a design. It is not only green, but also beautiful. This design came with 3 access doors and a security for your ladies. There is a set of doors at the front/ bottom, to access the run. The upper door to the screened porch area allows for access to lock your girls in for the night. And the upper wood door accesses the coop itself for easy cleaning and egg collection. This model was sold to a group of college students in Boulder who were starting a small farm for a greener way of life.

The work in progress.

Our First Special Order

This was our first special order! The client has 8 ladies with clipped wings and wanted an area for the kids that came to visit her farm to play with the chickens. The coop is approximated 8'x 4' at its base and 6' tall in the front. It has 2 egg access doors in the rear, a larger set of doors that open to help with easy cleaning, a security door that opens to a ramp and closes to keep the ladies safe at night, and it has a full-sized door that allows for easy access to the run.

Some candids of the kids.

Rustic Style Coop

This was probably one of our favorite coops to build thus far. It is made 90% from recycled materials, and yet still maintained a fun style of its own. (((The pictures really don't do it justice.)))

Here are a the boys at work.

Our First Design

Building Chicken Coops has been a fun family event for us. When Grandpa came to visit we came up with our first design. It was simple and functional. We designed it for 2-3 chickens. It included an access door into the run area as well as a small door with direct access to the nests for easy egg collection. The last design feature was a removable roof for thorough cleanings.
We made 2 of these coops and they both went to wonderful homes.

Grandpa with the boys.